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Helion: The Rising Star

Helion: The Rising Star By Eric Claus Introduction             Doom has a deep history of source ports with different visions, goals, and features since the source code was released back in the 90s. While each project sought to go in various directions, such as Chocolate… Read More »Helion: The Rising Star

WAD Review: Corruption

Review by Eric ClausJune 26, 2023 CorruptionNinjaDelphox et al2023Link: The MBF 21 spec started development just over 2 years ago, and is slowly picking up steam with some mapsets developing for it over the last couple of years.  I was looking around for a… Read More »WAD Review: Corruption

WAD Review: Sacrament

July 3, 2022 Designed by Clan [B0S] Published in 2011 /idgames archive Sacrament is a WAD of 14 maps created by the Russian community that stands out for having an incredibly… peculiar identity. With a wildly diverse as well as extroverted style, the Russian community… Read More »WAD Review: Sacrament

Encyclopedia from Hell

May 12 2022 Archiving, preserving, and studying Doom with the Doom Wiki I guess everyone here knows what a wiki is, right? I like to describe it as a decentralized movement of information expansion. Wikipedia is the largest and best-known example of what a wiki… Read More »Encyclopedia from Hell