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Helion: The Rising Star

Helion: The Rising Star *ai generated logo provided by hoboman22 By Eric Claus Introduction             Doom has a deep history of source ports with different visions, goals, and features since the source code was released back in the 90s. While each project sought to go… Read More »Helion: The Rising Star

WAD Review: Corruption

Review by Eric ClausJune 26, 2023 CorruptionNinjaDelphox et al2023Link: The MBF 21 spec started development just over 2 years ago, and is slowly picking up steam with some mapsets developing for it over the last couple of years.  I was looking around for a… Read More »WAD Review: Corruption

WAD Review: Sacrament

July 3, 2022 Designed by Clan [B0S] Published in 2011 /idgames archive Sacrament is a WAD of 14 maps created by the Russian community that stands out for having an incredibly… peculiar identity. With a wildly diverse as well as extroverted style, the Russian community… Read More »WAD Review: Sacrament

Encyclopedia from Hell

May 12 2022 Archiving, preserving, and studying Doom with the Doom Wiki I guess everyone here knows what a wiki is, right? I like to describe it as a decentralized movement of information expansion. Wikipedia is the largest and best-known example of what a wiki… Read More »Encyclopedia from Hell