September 22, 2021
No surprise there. The year is almost over with only 3 months left of this misery! Ready for misery part 3? Because here it comes. But it’s not all bad in this part of the world, because the Wadazine is here to offer you company, love and lots of Doom! Of course, our team has a few ideas to make the rest of the year memorable, fun and entertaining, so here are some updates on the ideas we have.
Spook October:

Of course we’re doing a Halloween special. In other words, this must not be missing! Halloween is coming and we are not going to miss it. Last year we did an issue dedicated to the Halloween theme and this year we want to improve our issue and deliver a magazine even heavier on the horror factor, after all, Doom has a few memorable moments in the history of scares. On the other hand, this will also be a busy month for the team of editors and graphic designers, so unfortunately we may not be able to beat our 100+ page record that we set with the previous magazine, but, still, we hope to deliver more than enough content for you to have a thick manuscript in your hands full of scary, entertaining, relevant (for a 90s game) content and full of great WADs to play.
Wadarcheology Compilation CD Vol. 1:

That’s a WIP name by the way. One of the most original and successful projects of this year is the Doom Wadarcheology project, dedicated to the exploration, rediscovery and enjoyment of classic WADs forgotten by time. Thanks to the great participation and help we have received, we have managed to reach over 70 WADs in less than 1 month, and as I write this we are almost at 100. Once we reach that goal, we will create a D!Zone style compilation of the WADs to publish as a sort of curated list of pure quality classic WADs. All designed in a way that captures that 90s spirit that we used to find in the shovelware CDs of yesteryear. Not only will we create the curated compilation, maintaining the pure state of the WADs, but we will also work on a sort of guide designed to serve as, well, just that, a guide! Hah. This is a long term project that we hope will remain stable for years to come and we will manage to find many more lost gems. These WADs are not only WADs forgotten by the community, but, unlike D!Zone or Maximum Doom, these are quality WADs organized under one goal: to give them new life to a new audience. With the help of Arrowhead and the graphic masters of the Wadazine, we hope to make this little gift a reality.
The NaNoWriMo competition and a Doom-inspired novel:

If you guys don’t know what NaNoWriMo is: It’s a annual writing competition that lasts throughout November. It’s a competition designed to push you to the max to write a 50,000-word novel in one month. Quite a considerable challenge and one that, as an obsessed author with no self-control, appeals to me. For my first entry I’d like to do a novel inspired by Doom. More than fanfiction, it’s an original story that will make multiple references to the Doom lore and even to the community in general. The basic idea is simply to create something entertaining to deliver at the end of the month. If I succeed, I hope to share my process through the Wadazine and use it as a sort of crown over the arthritis I’ll get in my fingers. One way or another, if you like fiction, if you like Doom and you like to read, I hope you’ll keep an eye out for November!
The Wadazine Awards:

The last month of the year also marks Doom’s birthday, and what better way to celebrate than with our own gala of recognition, honors, awards and many items to commemorate the contributions of the 2021 community? Started last year, this time we will expand the awards to encompass not only a wider range of topics per se, but create a full commemoration of what was a fascinating year under a blanket of adulation for the work that so many authors have done. We hope to create an edition that is worthy of being marked in the annals of Doom forever. And, of course, give awards to the best of the best in this world of absolute Doom quality.
Nothing here is 100% confirmed, but it’s mostly on its way to become a reality. If you have any ideas, share them with us in our Discord and we’ll be hearing all feedback and opinions!